Broomfield City and County
Find Your Zone
Type your address in “Find a Parcel”
When the box appears with your address, scroll down to find “Zoning”
Find your zoning district in the Colorado Safe Parking Initiative’s “Zoning Code Regulations-County” spreadsheet or in the Zoning section of the municipal code
If your zone district doesn’t allow for accessory uses for parking lots or cars, contact the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss your options.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning and Zoning Commission : Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 6:00 PM
Staff Liaison: Anna Bertanzetti, Planning Director
Address: George Di Ciero City and County Building, 1 DesCombes Dr, Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone: 303.464.6399
Legacy Zoning
If your zoning has an (A), (W), (B), or (J), this identifies a legacy zone district. An example of one of these districts is A-1(A), which is a legacy Adams County agricultural zoning. Prior to Broomfield becoming a City and County on November 15, 2001, areas in Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld Counties were annexed to Broomfield. Many of these areas retain the county zoning that was in place at the time they were annexed. Those codes can be found here.
General Zoning Regulations
Automobile parking area means a lot or part thereof used for the short-term storage of automobiles which meet state inspection standards for travel on public highways, provided that such automobiles are not for sale.
Uses Permitted By Special Review
If your area requires special review you must submit an application to the planning and zoning commission as outlined in Chapter 17-30 of the zoning code.
Accessory Dwelling Units
Accessory building and use means a subordinate use of a building, other structure, or tract of land, or a subordinate building or other structure:
(1) Which is clearly incidental to the use of the principal building;
(2) Which is customary in connection with the principal building;
(3) Which is ordinarily located on the same lot with the principal building, other structure, or use of land.
Per 17-32-160 (K), Mobile homes, travel trailers, recreational vehicles, shipping containers, storage containers, and other such temporary structures shall be prohibited for use as an accessory dwelling unit.

Watch Our Recent Webinar:
The Promise of Safe Parking
An online forum investigating the why and how of developing safe places to park for people experiencing homelessness and living in their vehicles in Metro Denver.